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Zen Dog Beds Blog

  • Unraveling the Mystery: Why Is My Female Dog Peeing on My Bed Suddenly 

    Female dogs peeing on beds can be baffling and confusing to dog owners. Everything appears normal one day, and the next, you’re dealing with an unexpected and unwanted mess.  It’s absolutely normal to be perplexed and concerned by your dog’s unexpected change in behaviour.   On the other hand, understanding the underlying causes of this habit…

  • Why leather dog beds are worth it

    Why leather dog beds are worth it

    Leather dog beds can be worth the investment for several reasons: However, it’s essential to consider that leather dog beds also have some potential downsides, such as the initial cost, maintenance requirements, and the fact that they can get hot in direct sunlight. When choosing a leather dog bed, opt for a high-quality product, and…

  • Why large dog beds are worth it

    Why large dog beds are worth it

    Large dog beds are worth the investment for several reasons: While large dog beds may come with a higher price tag, the long-term benefits they offer in terms of comfort, durability, and the well-being of your large dog often make them a worthwhile investment. Make sure to choose a bed that suits your dog’s specific…